SWAN World


SWAN World on "Kill Radio" Los Angeles

Two hours live in the Full Spectrum Show on Kill Radio Los Angeles:
1) Interview about "Swan Word", our imprint in English
2) "Serious Longing" reading by Jessica Wilson Cardenas, President of Los Angeles Poet Society
3) Congratulations for the work of our friend poet, actor and translator Helene Cardona who translated Dorianne Laux and Gabriel Arnou-Laujeac's collections
4) Reading Donia Berriri's poems and Playing songs from them : "Illégale" by Camelia Jordana and "Achille" by ACHILLE

Podcast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AU-tha5Bsr4


Jessica reading her collection "Serious Longing" on Kill Radio (show "Full Spectrum"):


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