Rukwangali/English for Children
ISBN : 978-2-84924-310-7
6 x 8.5" (15 x 22 cm)
100 pages
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English has been Namibia’s official language since the country became independent. The language was chosen for its neutral character although there are a lot less English speakers then there are who speak German, Afrikaans (languages stemming from colonization) and many other local austral African languages such as RuKwangali.
Kwangali, or RuKwangali, is a Bantu language spoken by 85,000 people along the Okavango River in Namibia and in Angola. This language is spoken by the Kavango people.
Many children, especially among the most disadvantaged, do not know any English. This turns out to be an insurmountable handicap as soon as they start going to primary school.
We think it is vital that these children can become acquainted with the English language at an early age while maintaining their level of writing skills in their native language, which they know and speak with their parents.
Rukwangali/english for children offers up to 500 common English words illustrated with their translation in Rukwangali. For children who are native Kwangali speakers, this book is an essential first encounter with the English language which will be the language of their future school and professional life. It may also be of good use to tourists who are travelling in Namibia and austral Africa and would like to please their interlocutors by speaking a bit of Rukwangali with them.
Some people from the city of Otjiwarongo would like to give kids another chance leading to a better future, and are willing to pass on their native languages to new generations. This book is the result of their collaboration with a French volunteer in Namibia and a French teacher for young children with special needs. |